Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Year Gone By

"Time does not pass, it continues" - Marty Rubin

Okay seriously this is the craziest thing ever. We have lived in Myrtle Beach for exactly a year today! Where has the time gone?

I feel like we just moved in to our little apartment in the extremely hot July sun and had no furniture, with no idea what we were doing. Some days it still feels like that. But honestly to think of how much stuff has happened in a year is just crazy.

To start off we moved because of a theatre gig. We thought we were on top of the world but things didn’t quite turn out as we planned. The run was only from July 21 – October 12. And we didn’t make a lot of money and completely drained our savings, but we made it. Bills were definitely a new and difficult thing for us to deal with. Being a grown up is tougher than it seems.

Then right after the theatre gig ended, a scary thing came along. My grandmother got re-diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have a very quickly scheduled surgery which luckily I was able to go home for a week for that.

November was exciting for us, our 3 year anniversary came up and Brandon proposed that day and we decided to get married just 2 months away from that. Which of course brought lots of drama with why we were rushing. Because we can. That’s why we did. We wanted a winter wedding. My parents were okay with it. So what else mattered? Yes I was 18 but I can make my own decisions. And no I wasn’t pregnant. It’s just what we chose. So December was a whirlwind of wedding planning. Then came January which went by even faster.

The wedding and honeymoon came and went with the blink of an eye and pretty soon we will have already been married for 6 months. I still can’t get over that it’s already been half a year.

The next few months were kinda rough with Brandon’s grandmother slowly getting worse and then at the end of April we got a call saying we really needed to come home. We were lucky enough to be able to spend a week with her before she went to be with Jesus. So May ended up being a very tough month.

Then came our birthdays and then summer was here before we knew it and we are doing 4 shows a week. Now it’s staying up late and sleeping late not really actually waking up rested. And working at the magic shop every night we don’t have shows. It’s been pretty hectic to say in the least. But finally our savings is getting replenished. This summer has been awesome for us and next year will be even better.

So as far as I can remember that’s everything important but my goodness it’s been a year. Hopefully by this time next year I can say we are moving again but into a house. That would be a blessing!

As I look back, I see how truly lucky we are to have had such amazing people help us get started. We struggled, we cried, we thought we couldn’t make it. But we did. And we couldn’t have done it alone. Thank you to all the wonderful people who pulled us along and encouraged us to follow our dreams!

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