Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Presto Pets

“Saving one dog will not change the world. 
But surely for that one dog, the world will change forever!”

As if we don’t have enough to already work on with our business, I have a project that I’ve had in mind for a little over a year now. It’s called Presto Pets and the purpose is to collect items for shelters that are in need. I have a huge heart for animals and especially shelters so we want to make an impact.

When I was 6 I decided I was going to be a vet, and I was very headstrong about it. Obviously life likes to throw you curve balls and change your mind completely. I’m so glad I’m in the magic. But due to my growing up with my grandmother having a farm and me just constantly rescuing animals, my passion will probably always be helping animals.
I’m the loser that will pull off on the side of the road with a box of treats in the back of my car ready to convince a dog to safely cross the street. I’ve yanked my car out in front of people and cut them off so that ducks could cross. I’ve cried countless times over road kill.
I just can’t help where my heart hurts at.
With that being said, I really always wanted to volunteer at a shelter but for some reason they aren’t always the nicest people to work with, so I’ve decided a different approach.
Last year we were able to do this for a shelter is Columbia, SC and we collected a LOT of stuff. I was extremely impressed with what we collected. And then when we went to drop off the items we spent an hour or so playing with all the animals.

I want to do this every month. The problem is finding shelters that are actually grateful for donations. 
We obviously need to find smaller shelters that really do need the help. I’ve found a couple here in the Myrtle Beach area. And we want to contact them and find some places we can use for drop off points.
Be praying that we find the right direction for this project! I really want to make an impact on animals' lives!

I've also started a fan page for it, so go like it please!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Backstage Behavior

Our magic is strongest when we are able to perform in a theatre. The stage is where we love to be more than anywhere else. But just like with any other theatre show it definitely doesn’t run smoothly on stage if it’s not running smoothly backstage.
Smoothly: Never the term I would use to describe backstage to be honest.
We move from venue to venue with generally just Brandon and I with the show and knowing the show, so we constantly have to teach new people how to help out and what to do and when to do it.
Now with having said this, we have had some of the most amazing people who we literally only told them something once and they had it perfectly. Other people… well not so much.
I’m not exactly proud of how I’ve had to act backstage on a few occasions. But luckily it hasn’t been a reoccurring thing. Most people have it together.
I’ve shoved some people into walls, fussed at them... And I have felt soooo bad about it and apologized a lot afterwards. But when it’s show time, it’s show time. I am in the show mode. Nothing can get in the way of me when I am literally running backstage. As soon as I walk off the stage, clothes get stripped off, new costume on, and it’s extreme speed mode especially if I know the stage hand needs a little help.
Now when I do have amazing people backstage, I actually get down time, I can relax and goof off with the guys. I’ve had so much fun with all the people I’ve gotten to work with. Theatre people are just plain awesome.
Onstage, I step out with a smile and perform my heart out. Backstage, I’m packing material we have already done and I’m pushing the next pieces closer to the wings to get ready to go on.
It’s crazy fast and usually insane, but the thrill keeps me going.
Thank you to anyone who has ever helped us backstage or ran tech for us. Without you guys we couldn’t have a show!