A big part of our job is rehearsing new material. Or rehearsing old material to make it stronger. It is one of the most stressful, frustrating, and fun parts of our job. Working with my husband definitely has it's perks. We're best friends so we always make things interesting. Such as tonight I rehearsed in a mermaid clamshell bra. Anyone judging me? I thought not.
Right now we are working on a mostly new show for the Sea Mist resort that we will be performing at this summer. Finally I have a lot of speaking lines. Which means we are having to walk through the script line by line right now. And with that comes laughing. If there is any point that either one of us can reference a movie, book, or tv show from one of our lines we definitely do. Especially SpongeBob, when all else fails, quote SpongeBob. Or Frozen. Or just Disney in general.
One of our new magic effects will be a mentalism routine; I will be reading people's minds. Of course to convince people I'm not cheating I have to wear a blindfold. Reading a new script while blindfolded is not the easiest task.
While I've always loved rehearsing the illusions the most, I've come to really enjoy some of our new interaction pieces. Interacting with Brandon or an audience member can always be challenging but it makes for a more interesting show. Of course the "volunteers" that Brandon and I pretend to be for each other would never be that odd. We always give them interesting names and voices or make them as difficult to deal with as possible.
I honestly think if people can't have fun while working together as a team then it's not worth it. Making faces or dancing at random moments always keeps everything light. Or atleast we try to. Somedays aren't so easy. Some of the more physically challenging illusions could hurt one of us and put us in a bad mood or if we're just mad at each other (because we are a couple after all) that also definitely effects how rehearsal goes. Somedays I really get fed up with picking up playing cards.
That's part of the act though. The mess is enough to drive my OCD up the wall. We had a maintenance guy come in earlier and he had to deal with something in our magic room, I totally forgot we didn't clean it up after rehearsal last night. I'm sure he thought we were slobs. It's a jumbo rainbow of a mess.
I definitely know all the hours we put into our show pays off though. My new solo routine is coming along nicely and I can't wait to see how the mind reading is received. If you're in the Myrtle Beach area this summer you will have to come stay at the Sea Mist and see our show! Until then, it's back to rehearsal!
"Amateurs practice until they get it right; Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong"